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#1 Le 14-06-2022 à 13h11

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Hello tish is a quesion. How I am Member Apprenti? /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-09.gif

Dernière modification par Rina58 (Le 14-06-2022 à 13h12)

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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#2 Le 28-06-2022 à 12h20

Membre Populaire
Messages: 184

Rina58 a écrit :

Hello tish is a quesion. How I am Member Apprenti? /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-09.gif

Hello, It’s because of the number of messages you posted on the forum !  /static/images/forum/smilies/ham-07.gif

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#3 Le 28-06-2022 à 12h52

Messages: 20 066

Hello ...
Yes, it's true !
For informations, here is the summary of the evolution of ranks according to the number of messages posted on the forum.

Ranks               Number of posts
Nouveau Membre        0
Membre Apprenti       15
Membre Régulier       30
Membre Habitué        50
Membre Actif          100
Membre Populaire      180
Membre Chevronné      300
Membre Expérimenté    400
Membre en Argent      600
Membre en Or          800
Membre en Diamant     1000
Membre de Platine     1500
Membre Indispensable  2000

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#4 Le 29-06-2022 à 13h05

Membre Habitué
Messages: 95

Thank you!

I like animals most cats and mouses. Fell free to send me messages even if it's just to say hi. If you need help you just need to send me a message and I will see what I can do and replay in most short period /library/php/forum/views/smilies/smile.png (Not administrator just want to help)

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Pages : 1
